Author Archives: Christian Holliday

Angela Richardson elected to represent Guildford

I’m delighted to report that our Conservative candidate, Angela Richardson, has been elected to represent the Guildford constituency at Thursday’s (Dec 12th) General Election, seeing off a challenge from the Liberal Democrats.

The full result was as follows:

Conservative 26,317 (44.9%)

Lib Dem 22,980 (39.2%)

Labour 4,515 (7.7%)

Independent 4,356 (7.4%)

Peace Party 483 (0.8%)

Turnout: 75.5%

Conservative Majority: 3,337

Residents survey underway

Guildford Conservatives were out and about this morning (21st Sept 2019) delivering our latest leaflet inviting residents to complete our residents survey. It’s important that we listen and learn following the local election results in May of this year. Watch out for a leaflet coming through your door in the weeks ahead.

In the meantime you can go straight to the survey and let us know your views by clicking here.

New Inn Lane Surgery under threat of closure

If you are one of the 2,500 patients on the register at New Inn Lane Surgery you should now have received a letter from the NHS Guildford and Waverley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) explaining issues around security of tenure for the surgery.

The surgery’s lease is expiring and it has not been possible to come to an agreement with the landlord over future terms. Despite attempts, it has not been possible to find new premises in the immediate vicinity. The surgery may therefore close later in 2019.

The CCG is asking for patient feedback on this matter, which will be reviewed at a meeting of the Primary Care Commissioning Committee at the end of August.

You can make your feelings known by ringing 020 8895 6785 or emailing them on: