Christian Holliday

Burpham’s Conservative Campaigner

Christian served as Ward Councillor for Burpham on Guildford Borough Council between May 2011 and May 2019. "Burpham continues to face many challenges in the coming years and I look forward to continuing to assist residents where possible."

Bid to make Local Pub an Asset of Community Value

Burpham residents have submitted an application to Guildford Borough Council to designate the Anchor and Horseshoes pub an Asset of Community Value (Oct 2018). The pub, the last in Burpham following the loss of the Green Man/Harvester Pub, is currently undergoing refurbishment. If the application for designation is successful it will allow local people to use Community Right to Bid powers to seek to purchase the pub if it were ever to come up for sale.

I support this bid as pubs form an important part of national and local life. According to Camra (Campaign for Real Ale) we are currently losing 18 pubs a week in Britain. I hope no action will ever be necessary, but it will be good to know local people have the opportunity to bid in the future if needed.

Consultation open on Local Plan Main Modifications

Following the Examination in Public (EiP) into the Guildford Local Plan held this summer, Guildford Borough Council is now consulting on the ‘Main Modifications’ which are suggested by the Inspector. You can view the suggested changes to the Plan by clicking here. Comments must be received by 12 noon on 23rd October 2018.

You can make comments via the consultation website or email the planning team on

The Committee of the Burpham Neighbourhood Forum will be preparing representations where it is appropriate to comment on behalf of Burpham.

Burpham Representatives attend Local Plan Examination

In my capacity as Chairman of the Burpham Neighbourhood Forum, I this week (w/k 24th June) gave evidence at the public Examination into Guildford’s Local Plan, alongside fellow Forum member, Mr Jim Allen. We presented evidence relating to a number of issues, both Borough-wide and Burpham specific, including Green Belt and infrastructure considerations. Following submission of evidence, the Inspector indicated we could assist Council officers in making landscaping requirements stronger within the proposed policy for Gosden Hill Farm.

You can read more about the Hearings being held into the Local Plan, including the timetable and agenda for the remaining sessions, by clicking here.

The Hearings are being presided over by and Independent Inspector, Mr Jonathan Bore, who will decide whether the plan is Sound or not. If found sound it can be adopted by the Council and used to guide development in the Borough.